HSFHispanic Scholarship Fund
HSFHuman Space Flight
HSFHeat Shock Factor
HSFHeatSink and Fan
HSFHome Service Force
HSFHot Spot Finder
HSFHeat Sink and Fan
HSFHave Some Fun
HSFHeart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada)
HSFHyperion Strategic Finance (software)
HSFHeat Sink Fan (CPU cooling)
HSFHospital Saturday Fund (UK and Ireland)
HSFHealth Sciences Faculty (various locations)
HSFHazardous Substance Free
HSFHistoric Salisbury Foundation (Salisbury, NC)
HSFHealthy San Francisco (city-sponsored initiative; California)
HSFHawaii Shakespeare Festival
HSFHorizontal Scanning Frequency (computer graphics)
HSFHistoric Savannah Foundation
HSFHeart Surgery Forum
HSFHot Stamping Foil
HSFHigh Sierra Format
HSFHome School Foundation
HSFHeated Square Feet
HSFHôpital Sans Frontière
HSFHealth Status Form
HSFHunger Strike Force
HSFHumber Student' Federation (Canada)
HSFHomeland Security Foundation
HSFHindu Students Forum (UK)
HSFHepatocyte Stimulatory Factor
HSFHan Shot First (Star Wars fan-base and wiki)
HSFHotel San Francesco (Italy)
HSFHyper Sentinel Force (Street Fighter game)
HSFHealth, Safety, and Fire
HSFHuffman-Shannon-Fano (coding scheme)
HSFHawaiian Sea Frontier
HSFHot Springs Fault (California quake fault)
HSFHotel Service Fee (charged at luxury resorts for extra services)
HSFHartford Seminary Foundation
HSFHyper-Sonic Flow
HSFHead Steerable FLIR
HSFHeat Stable Function
HSFHigh Safety Factor
HSFHot Section Factor
HSFHumanitas Salubritas et Felicitas (former Humanitarian Aid Organization, Germany)
HSFHigher Standard Flags
HSFHousehold Surveys Facilities