Acronym | Definition |
HSI➣Humane Society International |
HSI➣Hang Seng Index |
HSI➣Homeland Security Investigations (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) |
HSI➣High Speed Internet |
HSI➣Hispanic Serving Institutions |
HSI➣Health Sciences Institute (Baltimore, MD, USA) |
HSI➣Horizon Software International (Duluth, GA) |
HSI➣Horizontal Situation Indicator (aviation) |
HSI➣Health Systems International (various locations) |
HSI➣Human Systems Integration |
HSI➣Homeland Security Intelligence (various organizations) |
HSI➣H323 Signaling Interface |
HSI➣H323 Service Interface |
HSI➣Handmade Software Inc. |
HSI➣High Speed Interconnect |
HSI➣Hierarchical Storage Interface |
HSI➣High Speed Serial Interface |
HSI➣Hyperspectral Imagery |
HSI➣Hue Saturation Intensity (color model) |
HSI➣Human System Integration |
HSI➣Human Swine Influenza |
HSI➣High Speed Interface |
HSI➣High School Institute (various locations) |
HSI➣Hospitality Solutions International |
HSI➣Hyperspectral Imager |
HSI➣Hot Section Inspection |
HSI➣Hot Surface Igniter |
HSI➣Home Study International |
HSI➣Heat Stress Index |
HSI➣Hardware-Software Integration |
HSI➣Health Services Inspection (formerly HSMI) |
HSI➣Home School, Inc. |
HSI➣Hastings, NE, USA (Airport Code) |
HSI➣Human Synergistics International (Plymouth, MI) |
HSI➣Human Systems Interface |
HSI➣Health Services International |
HSI➣High Speed Infrared (Film, Kodak) |
HSI➣Hungarian Standards Institution |
HSI➣Health Sciences Initiative (San Diego Science Alliance; California) |
HSI➣Hudson Smith International |
HSI➣Handling Speed Intelligently (running training club founded by coach John Smith; Los Angeles, CA) |
HSI➣Home Safety Inspection (Australia) |
HSI➣Horsepower per Square Inch (physics) |
HSI➣Hellenic Society of Immunology |
HSI➣Health Sustainability Initiative (Canada) |
HSI➣Home Station Instrumentation (Army) |
HSI➣Horizon Situation Indicator |
HSI➣High-Speed Interferometer |
HSI➣Hours Since Inspection |
HSI➣Handbook of Service Instruction |
HSI➣Host-Specific Interface |
HSI➣Habitat Stability Index |
HSI➣Harsh Squirrel Interaction (training team) |
HSI➣Heading Select Indicator |