Hsiang Chiang

Hsiang Chiang


a river in China. The Hsiang Chiang measures 801 km in length and drains an area of 94,900 sq km. It originates in the Nan Ling Mountains and flows predominantly northeast over a hilly plain, emptying into Tungt’ing Hu, a lake of the Yangtze River basin. The Hsiang Chiang is fed by rain. High water is in summer, and low water is in winter. The water level varies by as much as 12.8 m. The mean flow rate in the lower course, near the city of Hsiangt’an, is 2,270 cu m per sec. The river is navigable for ships as far as the city of Hsiangt’an, and for junks as far upstream as the city of Henyang. The river’s waters are used for irrigation. The city of Ch’angsha is situated on the Hsiang Chiang.