Guibert de Nogent

Guibert de Nogent


(Guibertus). Born 1053 in Clermont; died about 1124 in Nogent. French chronicler. Abbot of the monastery in Nogent (beginning in 1104).

Guibert de Nogent is the author of a chronicle about the First Crusade (1096-99) that contains features new to medieval historiography. It expresses national feeling in its praise of the exploits of Frenchmen, and there are elements of a critical attitude toward sources in its attempts to distinguish between actual facts and devout fantasies. Guibert de Nogent’s memoirs (About My Life) give a realistic picture of life in French feudal society.


“Gesta dei per Francos.” In J. P. Migne, Patrología Latina, vol. 156.
“De pignoribus sanctorum … .”
Ibid. The Memoirs. … New York, 1970.


Vainshtein, O. L. Zapadnoevropeiskaia srednevekovaia istoriografiia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1964. Pages 149-51.
Zaborov, M. A. Vvedenie v istoriografiiu krestovykh pokhodov. Moscow, 1966. (See Index.)