Horov, Pavol
Horov, Pavol
(pseudonym of P. Horovč ak). Born May 25, 1914, in Bánovce-on-Ondava. Slovak poet.
In the first collections of Horov’s verse Treacherous Waters of the Deep (1940) and Niobe, Our Mother (1942), feelings of anguish and feebleness are combined with a protest against the inhumanity of war. In quest of a source of spiritual strength, he arrives at the theme of the homeland and recalls the revolutionary traditions of the Slovak people (the collection of poems Returnings, 1944). The poems of the 1950’s are marked by a bright outlook: the poetic collections My Noonday (1952), The Sun Above Us (1954), and High Summer Sky (1960). In these works, Horov unveils the world of the human soul in all its contradictions. The lyrical epic Ballad of a Dream (1960) treats the tragic episode of the Slovak national uprising of 1944.
Poézia. Bratislava, 1960.Koráby z Janova. Bratislava, 1966.
In Russian translation:
In the collection Iz slovatskoi poezii. Moscow, 1961.
In the book Slovatskaia poeziia XIX-XX vv. Moscow, 1964.