释义 |
Guideless EncyclopediaSeeguideguided tissue regeneration
guided tissue regenerationregeneration of tissue directed by the physical presence and/or chemical activities of a biomaterial; often involves placement of barriers to exclude one or more cell types during healing or regeneration of tissue.guid·ed tis·sue re·gen·er·a·tion (gīd'ĕd tish'ū rē-jen'ĕr-ā'shŭn) Regeneration of tissue directed by the physical presence or chemical activities of a biomaterial; often involves placement of barriers to exclude one or more cell types during healing or regeneration of tissue. guided tissue regeneration Abbreviation: GTR Any of the techniques used in periodontics to reconstruct lost or diseased periodontal tissue in those with gingival recession. GTR often involves the use of absorbable barrier membranes or collagen. See also: regenerationguid·ed tis·sue re·ge·ner·a·tion (gīd'ĕd tish'ū rē-jen'ĕr-ā'shŭn) Regeneration of tissue directed by physical presence and/or chemical activities of a biomaterial; often involves placement of barriers to exclude one or more cell types during healing or regeneration of tissue. |