释义 |
Hurler-Scheie syndrome Hur·ler-Scheie syn·drome (hŭr'ler shā), a phenotypic intermediate between Hurler syndrome and Scheie syndrome; a deficiency of α-l-iduronidase. Synonym(s): type I H/S mucopolysaccharidosis [Gertrud Hurler, Harold G. Scheie] Hurler-Scheie syndrome (hûr′lər-shī′)n. A type of mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS 1H/S) characterized by symptoms that are intermediate in severity between those of Hurler syndrome and Scheie syndrome.Hur·ler-Scheie syn·drome (hŭrlĕr shā sindrōm) Phenotypic intermediate between Hurler syndrome and Scheie syndrome. [Gertrud Hurler, Harold G. Scheie] |