

I0100500 (ĭn′dĭ-tûr′mə-nĭt)adj.1. a. Not precisely determined, determinable, or established: a person of indeterminate age.b. Not precisely fixed, as to extent, size, nature, or number: an indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle.c. Lacking clarity or precision, as in meaning; vague: an indeterminate turn of phrase.d. Not fixed or known in advance: an indeterminate future.e. Not leading up to a definite result or ending: an indeterminate campaign.2. Botany Not terminating in a flower and continuing to grow at the apex: an indeterminate inflorescence.3. Mathematics Having more than one variable and an infinite number of solutions, such as the equation 5x2 + 3y = 10.
[Middle English, from Latin indēterminātus : in-, not; see in-1 + dēterminātus, determined; see determinate.]
in′de·ter′mi·nate·ly′de·ter′mi·nate·ness, in′de·ter′mi·na′tion (-nā′shən) n.