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grand- prefix (in designations of kinship) one generation removed in ascent or descent: grandson; grandfather. [from French grand-, on the model of Latin magnus in such phrases as avunculus magnus great-uncle]grand (grænd) adj. grand•er, grand•est, adj. 1. impressive in size, appearance, or general effect: grand mountain scenery. 2. stately; dignified. 3. highly ambitious or idealistic: grand ideas for bettering the political situation. 4. esteemed; revered: a grand old man. 5. high in rank or official dignity. 6. of great importance, distinction, or pretension: grand personages. 7. complete; comprehensive: a grand total. 8. pretending to grandeur. 9. first-rate; splendid: had a grand time. n. 10. grand piano. 11. Informal. a thousand dollars. [1350–1400; < Old French grant, grand < Latin grandis great, large, full-grown] grand′ly, adv. grand′ness, n. grand- a combining form used in kinship terms with the meaning “one generation more remote” than the relation denoted by the base word: grandson. [< French, paralleling uses of Latin māgnus and Greek megalo-] FinancialSeeGrandThesaurusSeegrand |