Guilford Courthouse National Military Park

Guilford Courthouse National Military Park

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / National Military ParksAddress:2332 New Garden Rd
Greensboro, NC 27410

Size: 229 acres.
Established: Established on March 2, 1917; transferred from War Department on August 10, 1933.
Location:In northwest Greensboro, off Battleground Ave. (US 220).
Facilities:Rest rooms (é), bicycle trail, visitor center (é), museum/exhibit, self-guided tour/trail.
Activities:Hiking, self-guided auto/bicycle tour, living history programs.
Special Features:The battle fought here on March 15, 1781, was the largest, most hotly-contested action of the Revolutionary War's climactic Southern Campaign and opened the campaign that led to Yorktown and the end of the Revolution. Twenty-eight monuments honoring Revolutionary heroes and heroines dot the battlefield.

See other parks in North Carolina.