Hardy Lake

Hardy Lake

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Indiana
Location:In southeastern Indiana; accessible via State Roads 256 and 3.
Facilities:149 campsites with electricity, flush toilets, and showers, 19primitive campsites, picnic shelter, hiking trails, marina, 4 boatramps, 2 fishing piers, rowboat rentals, swimming beach, archery range,basketball and volleyball courts, open playfield.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, ice fishing, boating,water-skiing, hiking, hunting, interpretive and recreational programs.
Special Features:Hardy Lake is the smallest of Indiana's state-operated reservoirs but has the largest state-operated dam.
Address:4171 E Harrod Rd
Scottsburg, IN 47170

Web: www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/properties/res_hardy.html
Size: 2,178 acres land; 741 acres water.

See other parks in Indiana.