释义 |
hyperphosphataemia hy·per·phos·pha·te·mi·a (hī'pĕr-fos'fă-tē'mē-ă) Elevation of phosphorus concentration in blood; may be due to consumption of large amounts of phosphorus-rich foods and drinks or to renal insufficiency. It may also be caused by hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, or overuse of phosphate-containing laxatives or antacids. With concurrent hypocalcemia, tetany and seizures may occur. Synonym(s): hyperphosphataemia. hyperphosphataemia Excessive levels of phosphates in the blood.hy·per·phos·pha·te·mi·a (hī'pĕr-fos'fă-tē'mē-ă) Abnormally high concentration of phosphates in the circulating blood. Synonym(s): hyperphosphataemia. |