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hy·per·ploid H0359700 (hī′pər-ploid′)adj. Having a chromosome number greater than but not an exact multiple of the normal euploid number. hy′per·ploid′ n.hy′per·ploi′dy n.hyperploid (ˈhaɪpəˌplɔɪd) adj (Biology) biology having or relating to a chromosome number that exceeds an exact multiple of the haploid number ˈhyperˌploidy nhy•per•ploid (ˈhaɪ pərˌplɔɪd) adj. having a chromosome number that is greater than but not a multiple of the diploid number. [1925–30] hy′per•ploid′y, n. hyperploid
hyperploid[′hī·pər‚plȯid] (genetics) Having one or more chromosomes or parts of chromosomes in excess of the haploid number, or of a whole multiple of the haploid number. hyperploid
hyperploid [hi´per-ploid] 1. characterized by hyperploidy.2. an individual or cell exhibiting hyperploidy.hyperploid (hī′pər-ploid′)adj. Having a chromosome number greater than but not an exact multiple of the normal euploid number. hy′per·ploid′ n.hy′per·ploi′dy n.ThesaurusSeeaneuploidy |