hyperreactive malarious splenomegaly

hy·per·re·ac·tive ma·lar·i·ous sple·no·meg·a·ly

a syndrome characterized by persistent splenomegaly, exceptionally high serum IgM and malaria antibody levels, and hepatic sinusoidal lymphocytosis; believed to be a disturbance in the T-lymphocyte control of the humoral response to recurrent malaria. Synonym(s): tropic splenomegaly syndrome

hy·per·re·ac·tive ma·lar·i·ous sple·no·meg·a·ly

(hī'pĕr-ak'tiv mă-lar'ē-ŭs splē'nō-meg'ă-lē) A syndrome characterized by persistent splenomegaly, exceptionally high serum IgM and malaria antibody levels, and hepatic sinusoidal lymphocytosis.
Synonym(s): tropical splenomegaly syndrome.

hy·per·re·ac·tive ma·lar·i·ous sple·no·meg·a·ly

(hī'pĕr-ak'tiv mă-lar'ē-ŭs splē'nō-meg'ă-lē) Syndrome characterized by persistent splenomegaly, exceptionally high serum IgM and malaria antibody levels, and hepatic sinusoidal lymphocytosis.