Hortega cells


(mī-krog'lē-ă), This word is grammatically singular. Avoid the mispronunciation microgli'a.Small neuroglial cells of the central nervous system, originating in the bone marrow, that may become phagocytic in areas of neural damage or inflammation. Synonym(s): Hortega cells, microglia cells, microglial cells [micro- + G. glia, glue]


(mī-krog'lē-ă) Small neuroglial cells, possibly of mesodermal origin, which may become phagocytic, in areas of neural damage or inflammation.
Synonym(s): Hortega cells.
[micro- + G. glia, glue]


Pio del Rio, Spanish neurohistologist in South America, 1882-1945. Hortega cells - small neuroglial cells that may become phagocytic in areas of neural damage or inflammation. Synonym(s): microgliaHortega neuroglia stain - one of several silver carbonate methods to demonstrate astrocytes, oligodendroglia, and microglia.