Hering test

He·ring test

(her'ing), a test of binocular vision; the subject looks through an apparatus having at its far end a thread near which a small sphere is dropped; with binocular vision the observer recognizes the location of the sphere in front of or behind the thread; with monocular vision this is not possible.

Her·ing test

(her'ing test) A test of binocular vision; the subject looks through an apparatus having at its far end a thread near which a small sphere is dropped; with binocular vision the observer recognizes the location of the sphere in front of or behind the thread; with monocular vision this is not possible.


Karl E.K., German physiologist, 1834-1918. canal of Hering - a ductule occurring between a bile canaliculus and an interlobular bile duct. Synonym(s): cholangioleHering test - a test of binocular vision.Hering theory of color vision - that there are three opponent visual processes: blue-yellow, red-green, and white-black.Semon-Hering theory - see under Semon, Richard WTraube-Hering curves - see under TraubeTraube-Hering waves - Synonym(s): Traube-Hering curves