Higley Flow State Park

Higley Flow State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New York
Location:Off Route 56, west of South Colton on Cold Brook Drive.
Facilities:Campgrounds (é), showers (é), picnic areas (é), picnic pavilions(é), playground, multi-use trails, nature trail, beach, boat launch.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, fishing, swimming, hiking, cross-country skiing,snowmobiling, snowshoeing, ice fishing, recreation programs deerhunting in season (south of Cold Brook Drive).
Special Features:Park is situated on the Racquette River in the Adirondack foothills and the terrain is hilly and heavily wooded.
Address:442 Cold Brook Dr
Colton, NY 13625

Web: www.nysparks.com/parks/info.asp?parkId=144
Size: 1,115 acres.

See other parks in New York.