Gul Patsha Ulfat
Ulfat, Gul Patsha
Born 1909. Afghan writer and social figure who writes in Pashto.
Ulfat received a religious education in Kabul and Jalalabad. From 1956 to 1963 he was president of the historical and philosophical academy of Pakhtu-Tolana, and from 1960 to 1963 he headed the Society of Afghan-Soviet Friendship. He has edited several major newspapers and journals in Afghanistan. He is the author of profound works of poetry, including Selected Poems (1955) and The Voice of the Heart (1962), and of prose compositions, including philosophical essays published in the collections A Burning Lamp (1941) and Selected Prose (1956). Ulfat combines traditional and modern subjects, motifs, and imagery in his works. The philosophical allegory is one of his favorite devices. His compositions are deeply humanistic and are filled with love for the common man.
In Russian translation:[Poems.] In Stikhipoetov Afganistana. Moscow, 1962.
Dvoriankov, N. A. “‘Izbrannye stikhi’ Gul’ Pacha Ul’fata.” In Nezavisimyi Afganistán. Moscow, 1958.Gerasimova, A., and G. Girs. Literatura Afganistana. Moscow, 1963.
Usmanov, A. “Publitsisticheskoe masterstvo Gul’ Pacha Ul’fata.” In Kratkie soobshcheniia In-ta narodov Azii, 1965, vol. 80.