

单词 if



abbr. intermediate frequency


I0025000 (ĭf) conj. 1. a. In the event that: If I were to go, I would be late. b. Granting that: If that is true, what should we do? c. On the condition that: She will play the piano only if she is paid. 2. Although possibly; even though: It is a handsome if useless trinket. 3. Whether: Ask if he plans to come to the meeting. 4. Used to introduce an exclamatory clause, indicating a wish: If they had only come earlier! n. A possibility, condition, or stipulation: There will be no ifs, ands, or buts in this matter.
[Middle English, from Old English gif; see i- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] Usage Note: Many conditional (if ... then) constructions seem bewilderingly picky about which tenses, moods, and auxiliaries may go into them, particularly those that have to do with a counterfactual or make-believe world—one that the writer thinks is likely to be false but whose implications are worth exploring. But the grammatical requirements for such counterfactual sentences are quite straightforward: 1. The if-clause must have a verb in the conditional subjunctive mood (which many linguists call by the Latin name irrealis to distinguish it from the ordinary English subjunctive). When referring to situations in the present, this mood is identical to the preterite or past-tense form (If you danced better ... ) except for the verb be, whose irrealis is were rather than was (If he were rich ... ). When a writer wants to refer to a situation that hypothetically could have occurred in the past, a more remote past form must be used—the past perfect or the pluperfect (If you had danced better ... ; If he had been rich ... ). 2. The then-clause must contain would or a similar modal auxiliary such as could, should, or might. A large percentage of the Usage Panel disapproves of past counterfactual constructions using did rather than had: in 2011, 74 percent disliked If I didn't have my seatbelt on, I'd be dead, and 89 percent found it unacceptable to say If he didn't come to America, our team never would have won the championship. Forms using would have are somewhat more acceptable: the sentence If she would have only listened to me, this never would have happened was acceptable to 33 percent of the Panel in 2016. · When the situation described by an if clause is not presupposed to be false, that clause must contain an indicative verb: If Kevin was out sick yesterday, he will probably work late today. Note also that the presence of the modal verb would in the main clause should not be taken as a sign that the verb in the if clause must be in the subjunctive, if the content of that clause is not presupposed to be false: He would always call the office if he was (not were) going to be late for work. · According to the traditional rule, the subjunctive is not used following verbs such as ask or wonder in if clauses that express indirect questions, even if the content of the question is presumed to be contrary to fact: We wondered if dinner was (not were) included in the room price. · With all deference to the traditional rules, it should be noted that a survey of the prose of reputable writers over the past 200 years would reveal a persistent tendency to use the indicative was where the traditional rule would require the subjunctive were. A sentence beginning If I was the only boy in the world, while not strictly correct, is wholly unremarkable. · In informal writing both if and whether are standard in their use to introduce a clause indicating uncertainty after a verb such as ask, doubt, know, learn, or see: We shall soon learn whether (or if) it is true. In such contexts, however, the use of if can sometimes create ambiguities. Depending on the intended meaning, the sentence Let her know if she is invited might be better paraphrased as Let her know whether she is invited or If she is invited, let her know. · When used as a coordinator, the phrase if not always signals a contrast, but it can have almost contradictory meanings, depending on the context. Sometimes it can mean "but not," as in She won her team's admiration, if not its award, for her performance in the playoffs and The board was encouraged, if not convinced, by the budgetary projections. At other times, especially when there is a comparison of two adjectives or noun phrases in which the second represents a significant increase in degree above the first, if not usually means "and even," as in This job will be difficult, if not impossible and The law practice includes clients from all over the state, if not the country. Since many sentences of this kind can be interpreted one way or the other, it is important that the context make clear what sort of contrast is being indicated by if not. See Usage Notes at doubt, should, wish.


(ɪf) conj (subordinating) 1. in case that, or on condition that: if you try hard it might work; if he were poor, would you marry him?. 2. used to introduce an indirect question. In this sense, if approaches the meaning of whether3. even though: an attractive if awkward girl. 4. a. used to introduce expressions of desire, with only: if I had only known. b. used to introduce exclamations of surprise, dismay, etc: if this doesn't top everything!. 5. as if as it would be if; as though: he treats me as if I were junior to him. n6. an uncertainty or doubt: the big if is whether our plan will work at all. 7. a condition or stipulation: I won't have any ifs or buts. [Old English gif; related to Old Saxon ef if, Old High German iba whether, if]




abbreviation for (Electronics) intermediate frequency



conj. 1. in case that; granting or supposing that; on condition that: If I were you, I wouldn't worry. I'll go if you do. 2. even though: an enthusiastic if small audience. 3. whether: She asked if I knew Spanish. 4. (used to introduce an exclamatory phrase): If only Dad could see me now! 5. that: I'm sorry if you don't agree. n. 6. a supposition; uncertain possibility. 7. a condition or stipulation: There are too many ifs in his agreement. Idioms: ifs, ands, or buts, qualifications or excuses. [before 900; Middle English, variant of yif, Old English gif, gef] usage: if meaning “whether,” as in I haven't decided if I'll go, is sometimes criticized, but the usage has been standard in English for a long time and is found in Shakespeare, Dryden, and the King James Bible.


1. possible situations

You use if to introduce a conditional clause in which you mention a possible situation.

If you get tired, have a rest.If the machine stops working, call this number.

You can use if to mention a situation that might exist in the future. In the conditional clause, you use the present simple form. Don't use a future form.

If all goes well, we will arrive by lunchtime.If you make a mistake, you will have to start again.

You sometimes use if in a conditional clause to suggest that someone does something. You usually use the present simple in the conditional clause.

If you turn to page 15, you will see a list of questions.

You can use if to mention a situation that sometimes existed in the past. You usually use the past simple in the conditional clause.

They ate outside if it was sunny.If we had enough money, we used to go to the cinema.

You can also use if to mention something that might have happened in the past, but did not in fact happen. In the conditional clause, you use the past perfect. Don't use the past simple.

If he had known the truth, he would have run away.If they had not met, this book would never have been written.
2. unlikely situations

You also use if in conditional clauses to mention situations that do not exist, or events that are unlikely to happen. In the conditional clause, you use the past simple. Don't use a present tense.

They would find it difficult to get a job if they left the farm.If she wanted to, she could be a dancer.

In formal writing, when the subject of the conditional clause is I, he, she, it, there, or a singular noun, you use were in the clause instead of 'was'.

If a problem were to arise, she would be able to resolve it.Employees would be more productive if better resources were provided.

In conversation or informal writing people usually use was (except in the expression If I were you).

If I was a painter, I'd paint this garden.We would prefer it if the test was a bit easier.

Sometimes was is used in formal writing too, but this is considered incorrect by many people.

3. in reported questions

If is also used in reported questions.

I asked her if I could help her.I wonder if you understand what I mean.


conjunction1. provided, assuming, given that, providing, allowing, admitting, supposing, granting, in case, presuming, on the assumption that, on condition that, as long as If you would like to make a donation, please enclose a cheque.2. when, whenever, every time, any time She gets very upset if I exclude her from anything.3. whether He asked if I had left with you, and I said no.4. though, but, yet, although, albeit, despite being It was beautiful inside, if rather unhomely.noun1. doubt, condition, uncertainty, provision, constraint, hesitation, vagueness, stipulation This business is full of ifs.Proverbs
"If ifs and ands were pots and pans there'd be no need for tinkers"


(if) conjunction1. in the event that; on condition that. He will have to go into hospital if his illness gets any worse; I'll only stay if you can stay too. (表示條件)如果 (表示条件)如果 2. supposing that. If he were to come along now, we would be in trouble. 假如 假如3. whenever. If I sneeze, my nose bleeds. 每當 无论何时4. although. They are happy, if poor. 儘管 尽管5. whether. I don't know if I can come or not. 是否 是否if ˈonly I wish that. If only I were rich! 真希望… 要是...就好,我希望




  • (I) don't care if I do
  • (I) don't mind if I do
  • (if the) truth be known
  • (if the) truth be told
  • (if you) sing before breakfast, (you'll) cry before night
  • (if you) sing before breakfast, (you'll) cry before supper
  • (I'll be) hanged if I know!
  • (the good) Lord willing and the creek don't rise
  • arm and a leg
  • as if
  • as if (one) owns the place
  • as if (one's) life depends on it
  • as if I care
  • As if I care!
  • as if someone owns the place
  • as if that were not enough
  • as if the sun shines out (someone's) backside
  • as if there was no tomorrow
  • as if there was/were no tomorrow
  • as if there's no tomorrow
  • as if you own the place
  • As if!
  • as if/as though
  • as/if/when the spirit moves you
  • be damned if you do and damned if you don't
  • better mousetrap, (if one can) build a
  • butter wouldn't melt (in his/her mouth), looks as if
  • butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
  • coming or going, not know if one is
  • Could I join you?
  • damned if (one) does and damned if (one) doesn't
  • damned if I do and damned if I don't
  • damned if I do, damned if I don't
  • damned if I know
  • damned if I/you/they do, damned if I/you don't
  • damned if you do and damned if you don't
  • damned if you do, damned if you don't
  • do something as if/like there's no tomorrow
  • don't care if I do
  • don't come running to me if you break your leg
  • don't mind if I do
  • even if it kills me
  • even if only
  • even if/though
  • even though
  • feel as if a cat has kittened in (one's) mouth
  • for all it's worth
  • for all the world as if (someone or something)
  • for all the world as if/though...
  • for all the world as though (someone or something)
  • have (one's) druthers
  • How would you like it?
  • I don't mind if I do
  • I shouldn't wonder
  • if (one) can help it
  • if (one) is a day
  • if (one) knows what's good for (one)
  • if (one's) a day
  • if (one's) life depended on it
  • if (something) catches a cold, (something else) gets pneumonia
  • if (something) sneezes, (something else) catches a cold
  • if (the) word gets out
  • if (the) worst comes to (the) worst
  • if a day
  • if a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well
  • if a toady frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass
  • if all else fails
  • if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
  • if and when
  • if anything
  • if anything can go wrong, it will
  • if anything happens
  • if anything should happen
  • if at first you don't succeed, try, try again
  • if ever there was
  • if frogs had wheels, they wouldn't bump their butts
  • if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him
  • if he is a day
  • if he's, she's, etc. a day
  • If I knew you were coming, I'd have baked a cake
  • if I was/were in your place
  • if I were in your place
  • if I were you
  • if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times
  • if ifs and ands were pots and pans
  • if I'm honest
  • If it ain’t broke don’t fix it
  • If it ain’t broke, fix it till it is
  • if it ain't broke
  • if it ain't broke don't fix it
  • if it ain't broke, don't fix it
  • if it ain't broke, fix it till it is
  • If it ain't chickens, it's feathers
  • if it comes to the crunch
  • if it comes to the point
  • if it hadn't been for (someone or something)
  • if it kills (one)
  • if it kills you
  • if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck
  • If it was a snake it woulda bit you
  • if it was a snake, it would've bit you
  • if it wasn't/weren't for...
  • if it weren't for (someone or something)
  • if it's all the same
  • if it's not one thing, it's another!
  • if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times
  • if looks could kill
  • if looks could kill...
  • if memory serves
  • if Mohammed will not go to the mountain
  • if my memory serves me correctly
  • if my memory serves me well, correctly, etc.
  • if need be
  • if needs be
  • if not
  • if not now, when?
  • if nothing else
  • if one knows what’s good for one
  • if one knows what's good for one
  • if one’s a day
  • if only
  • if pigs had wings
  • if pigs had wings, they would/could fly
  • if push comes to shove
  • if so
  • If that don't beat a pig a-pecking!
  • if that don't beat all
  • If that don't beat all!
  • if that don't fuck all
  • if the cap fits
  • if the cap fits(, wear it)
  • if the cap fits, wear it
  • if the going gets rough
  • if the going gets tough
  • if the hat fits(, wear it)
  • If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the ...
  • if the mountain will not come to Mohammed
  • if the mountain will not come to Mohammed...
  • if the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mounta
  • If the shoe fits
  • if the shoe fits(, wear it)
  • if the shoe fits, wear it
  • if the spirit moves (one)
  • if the truth were known
  • if the worst comes to the worst
  • if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask
  • if there's grass on the field, play ball
  • if there's grass on the pitch, play ball
  • if truth be known/told
  • if truth be told
  • if two ride on a horse, one must ride behind
  • if wishes were horses
  • if wishes were horses, (then) beggars might ride
  • if wishes were horses, (then) beggars would ride
  • if wishes were horses, beggars would ride
  • if wishes were horses, beggars would/might ride
  • If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride
  • if worst comes to worst
  • if you ask me
  • if you believe that, you'll believe anything
  • If you can’t stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen
  • if you can't be good, be careful
  • if you can't beat 'em
  • if you can't beat 'em, join 'em
  • If you can't beat them, join them
  • if you can't do the time, don't do the crime
  • if you can't stand the heat
  • if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
  • if you can't stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen
  • if you don't like it, lump it
  • if you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything
  • if you don't mind
  • if you don't mind me saying (so)
  • if you don't mind me/my saying so...
  • if you don't mind my saying (so)
  • If you don't mind!
  • if you don't see what you want, just ask (for it)
  • If you don't see what you want, please ask
  • if you don't see what you want, please ask (for it)
  • if you get my drift
  • if you have a mind to (do something)
  • if you know what's good for you
  • if you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas
  • if you lie with dogs, you will get fleas
  • if you like
  • if you must
  • if you must (do something)
  • if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
  • If you play with fire, you get burned
  • If you play with fire, you get burnt
  • if you please
  • if you run after two hares, you will catch neither
  • if you think about it
  • If you want a thing done well, do it yourself
  • if you want a thing done well/right, do it yourself
  • if you want peace, (you must) prepare for war
  • If you want peace, prepare for war
  • if you want something done well/right, do it yourself
  • if you will
  • if you would be well served, serve yourself
  • if you would(, please)
  • if you’ll pardon the expression
  • if you'll pardon the expression
  • if you're born to be hanged, then you'll never be drowned
  • if you've a mind to do
  • if you've got it, flaunt it
  • if/when it comes to the crunch
  • if/when it comes to the point
  • if/when push comes to shove
  • if/when you think about it
  • ifs and/or buts
  • ifs, ands, or buts
  • I'll be damned if I (do something)
  • I'll be hanged
  • I'll be hanged if I (do something)
  • I'm be damned if I (do something)
  • I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't
  • I'm hanged if I know!
  • I'm/I'll be damned if...
  • in the unlikely event of
  • it isn't as if/as though
  • it isn't as though
  • knuck if you buck
  • like it or lump it
  • look as if (one) has seen a ghost
  • look as if butter wouldn't melt in (one's) mouth
  • look as if butter wouldn't melt in mouth
  • look as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouth
  • look as if you have seen a ghost
  • look daggers at, to
  • make as if
  • make as if to (do something)
  • make as if to do
  • make as if to do something
  • nice work if you can get it
  • no ifs and buts (about it)
  • no ifs or buts
  • no ifs or buts (about it)
  • no ifs, ands, or buts
  • no ifs, ands, or buts (about it)
  • no ifs, ands, or buts and no buts about it
  • not if I can help it
  • not if I see you first
  • not if I see you sooner
  • Not if I see you sooner, and Not if I see you first
  • not if one can help it
  • not if you paid me
  • not know (any) better
  • not know if (one) is afoot or on horseback
  • not know if (one) is coming or going
  • not know if you are coming or going
  • not know whether (one) is coming or going
  • not know whether one is coming or going and not know if one is ...
  • nothing if not
  • nothing if not (something)
  • nothing if not something
  • only if
  • opportunity knocks
  • push comes to shove, if
  • push comes to shove, if/when
  • run up
  • see if I care
  • See if I care!
  • seen one, seen them all, if/when you've
  • sound as if
  • sound as if (something)
  • spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, the
  • what if
  • What if I do?
  • What if I don't?
  • What if...?
  • What would you say if...?
  • when it comes to
  • when it comes to the crunch
  • when it comes to the point
  • when push comes to shove
  • when the going gets tough
  • when you think about it
  • wonder if
  • would if I could
  • wouldn't if I were you
  • wouldn't know (something) if (one) fell over one
  • wouldn't know (something) if it hit (one) in the face
  • wouldn't shout if a shark bit him
  • Write if you get work
  • You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
  • you've got another thing coming
  • you've got another think coming



Abbr. for “inside face.”



Abbreviation for initiation factor; intrinsic factor.


Intrinsic factor, see there.


Abbreviation for intrinsic factor; initiation factor.


Abbreviation for intrinsic factor.


IFIntermediate Frequency (radio/communications systems)
IFIn Fact
IFInternational Falls (city on the Minnesota/Canada border)
IFIndia Forum (India)
IFInteractive Fire (insurance)
IFInteractive Fiction
IFInvolved Field (radiotherapy)
IFIndustrial Facilities
IFInstitute for the Future
IFIndustrial Fund
IFInput File (Linux command line)
IFInformation Flow
IFIntegrated Farm
IFImpact Factor
IFIntegration Facility
IFIntelligence Flight
IFIntelligent Finance (Halifax Group)
IFInternational Federation (sports)
IFInteraction Forum
IFIntelligence Fusion
IFIntegration Framework
IFImmediate Frequency
IFIntermediate Fix
IFIce Fog
IFInternational Fleet (game and book)
IFInternal Focusing
IFInternal Flush
IFInterference (Dutch electro artist)
IFIndirect Fire
IFIn Flames (band)
IFIsolation Filter
IFIsolation Function
IFInitiation Factor
IFInterference Filter
IFInstruction Fetch
IFInternally Flawless (2nd highest quality of diamond)
IFInternal Fixation
IFIntermittent Fasting (dieting)
IFIntrinsic Factor
IFIncremental Funding
IFInformation Directorate (at AFRL)
IFInstantaneous Frequency
IFIntermediate Filament (genetics)
IFIdaho Falls (Idaho)
IFIntrinsically Funny
IFInfield (baseball/softball)
IFInterstitial Fluid
IFIronforge (World of Warcraft city)
IFInvisionFree (Invision Power Board)
IFIntermediate Filament (cytoskeletal component)
IFInduction Furnace (metal melting)
IFIndependent Force
IFInternational Fleet (Ender's Game novel)
IFInterrupt Flag
IFIndemnité Forfaitaire (French: Liquidated Damage)
IFInstant Form (software)
IFInterferential Stimulation
IFInterference Field
IFIntruders Foundation
IFIntake Fraction (the fraction of a pollutant which is inhaled by humans)
IFInterface Freeze
IFIntrinsic Free (steel)
IFIntermediate Forward
IFInland Fetch (line)
IFIngenico Fortronic Ltd
IFIntelligent Field Co., Ltd. (Japan)
IFIntercept and Broadcast (US Navy)
IFInternationally Flawless (diamonds)


  • all
  • conj
  • noun

Synonyms for if

conj provided


  • provided
  • assuming
  • given that
  • providing
  • allowing
  • admitting
  • supposing
  • granting
  • in case
  • presuming
  • on the assumption that
  • on condition that
  • as long as

conj when


  • when
  • whenever
  • every time
  • any time

conj whether


  • whether

conj though


  • though
  • but
  • yet
  • although
  • albeit
  • despite being

noun doubt


  • doubt
  • condition
  • uncertainty
  • provision
  • constraint
  • hesitation
  • vagueness
  • stipulation




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更新时间:2025/3/12 3:37:08