

单词 ifa



abbreviation for (Banking & Finance) independent financial adviser



(Consumer Electronics Unlimited) A major consumer electronics trade show, held in Berlin, Germany. The 2012 IFA show featured 1,439 exhibitors and drew 245,000 attendees.

IFA began in 1924 as the Internationale FunkAusstellung (German for International Radio Exhibition). Throughout the mid-20th century, various radios, TVs and tape recorders were highlights of IFA shows. See trade shows.


Immunofluorescent assay (IFA)

A blood test sometimes used to confirm ELISA results instead of using the Western blotting. In an IFA test, HIV antigen is mixed with a fluorescent compound and then with a sample of the patient's blood. If HIV antibody is present, the mixture will fluoresce when examined under ultraviolet light.Mentioned in: AIDS Tests


IFAIBM (International Business Machines Corporation) Financing Advantage
IFAInstitute for Astronomy
IFAIndependent Financial Adviser (UK)
IFAInternational Franchise Association
IFAInternational Fiscal Association
IFAIndirect Fluorescent Antibody
IFAImmunofluorescence Assay
IFAIrish Football Association (Northern Ireland's governing body of soccer)
IFAInstitucion Ferial Alicantina (Spanish exhibition center)
IFAInstitute of Financial Accountants
IFAInternational Fertilizer Industry Association
IFAIron-Folic Acid
IFAImposition Forfaitaire Annuelle (French: Fixed Annual Tax)
IFAInverted-F Antenna
IFAIndirect Immunofluorescence Assay
IFAIndustrieverband Fahrzeugbau
IFAIbm Financing Advantage
IFAInternational Framework Agreement
IFAIntegrated Facility for Applications
IFAIntelligent Fabric Applications
IFAIndiana Finance Authority
IFAIowa Finance Authority (Des Moines, IA)
IFAInvest in France Agency
IFAIntegrated Farm Assurance (market standards)
IFAIllinois Finance Authority
IFAInstitute of Field Archaeologists (UK)
IFAInternational Federation of Aromatherapists
IFAInstitut Francais d'Architecture
IFAInternational Factoring Association
IFAIsrael Football Association
IFAInvestment Funds Association (various locations)
IFAInstitut für Asienkunde (German: Institute for Asian Studies)
IFAInstitut Français d'Athènes (French: French Institute of Athens; Athens, Greece)
IFAInitiative Franco Allemande (French: Franco German Initiative)
IFAInternational Feltmakers Association
IFAInternational Federation of Airworthiness (UK)
IFAInsurance Financial Advisors (Houston, TX)
IFAInternational Fitness Association
IFAIndian Football Association (India)
IFAInternationale Funkaustellung (German: International Fair of Broadcasting Services)
IFAInternational Financial Activity (Canada)
IFAIrish Film Archive (Irish Film Institute)
IFAInternational Federation on Aging
IFAInstytut Filologii Angielskiej (Polish: Institute of English Studies; university department)
IFAInternational Frisbee Association
IFAInstitut Français d'Agadir (French: French Institute of Agadir; Agadir, Morocco)
IFAInternational Formalwear Association (Chicago, Illinois)
IFAIrish Farmer's Association
IFAInductive Fault Analysis
IFAIndependent Fee Appraiser (National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers)
IFAIn-Flight Anomaly (NASA)
IFAIntermountain Forest Association (Coeur d'Alene, ID)
IFAIntermediate Frequency Amplifier
IFAIndustrieverband Fahrzeugbau der DDR (German state-controlled vehicle manufacturing company)
IFAAsociación Internacional de la Industria de los Fertilizantes
IFAIntegrated File Adapter (IBM)
IFAInformal FTP Area
IFAIndex Funds Advisors, Inc. (Irvine, CA)
IFAInstitucion Federada Afroumbandista (Spanish: Umbanda African Federated Institution; Uruguay)
IFAIssued for Approval (design stage)
IFAIn-Flight Alignment (GPS)
IFAINDUS Foundation Architecture
IFAInstitut für Auslandsbeziehungen eV
IFAInteragency Funding Agreement
IFAInternational Friends and Associates (international match-making organization)
IFAInterior Floor Area (zoning)
IFAInformaticien Frustrés Anonymes (France, Lyon)
IFAIntelligence Functional Area
IFAInstitut de Formation de l'Administration Publique (Belgique)
IFAInstallation and Functionality Assessment
IFAImage Analysis Facility
IFAIan Farmer Associates Ltd




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