

单词 health education

Health Education

Health Education


a division of public health and medical science concerned with the development of the theory and practice of improving the population’s health awareness. The population is afforded a thorough knowledge of the fields of hygiene and preventive medicine and the appropriate hygienic and preventive rules that must be observed. Health education as a branch of science incorporates not only the medical disciplines but also sociology, psychology, and pedagogy. In practice, health education is presented through lectures, publications, radio, movies, television, people’s universities, and health schools.

Health education is provided by all developed countries to various extents. As part of the state public health system of the USSR, it was first developed in the 1920’s. It was important in resolving medical and health problems that developed in the 1920’s and 1930’s, including the control of epidemics, the protection of mothers and children, the control of social diseases, the improvement of urban and rural housing and institutional sanitation, and the prevention of occupational diseases and injuries. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45 health education was instrumental in health protection and in soliciting blood donors. Later it addressed itself to eliminating the health aftereffects of the war.

In the USSR, health education is a requirement in every therapeutic and prophylactic and health and epidemiologic institution, and it is required of every medical worker. Republic, krai, oblast, and city houses of health education have both organizational and methodological functions; they constitute a special health education service with the appropriate offices of public health epidemiologic stations. In addition to public health agencies, cultural and educational institutions of the soviets of people’s deputies and trade unions, Znanie, the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, educational agencies, and other organizations engage in the dissemination of medical and hygienic knowledge. An interdepartmental All-Union Council of Health Education and republic soviets of health education have been established to coordinate the work of the above organizations. Scientific research and methodology is directed by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Health Education of the Ministry of Public Health of the USSR, which was founded in 1928 in Moscow.

Outside the USSR, scientific research institutes of health education have been established in Prague and Bratislava in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, in Belgrade in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and in Dresden in the German Democratic Republic. National and regional centers function as scientific research institutions or major houses of health education in many socialist countries, including the Socialist Republic of Rumania, the Hungarian People’s Republic, and the Mongolian People’s Republic, and in many capitalist countries, including France, Great Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the USA.

The World Health organization has had a division of health education since 1940; this section works with UNESCO and the International Union for Health Education (IUHE), which was founded in 1951. The All-Union Council of Health Education joined the IUHE in 1957. The IUHE has held international conferences since 1951. Symposia attended by health education specialists from the European socialist countries have been held since 1964—in Budapest in 1964, in Rostock in 1967, in Moscow in 1970, and in Prague in 1974. The IUHE has published an international journal on health education in Geneva since 1958 entitled the International J ournal of Health Education.


Ocherki po istorii sovetskogo sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia. Moscow, 1960.
Sanitarnoe prosveshchenie. Moscow, 1965.


health education


 [ed-u-ka´shun] 1. the process of sharing knowledge.2. the gaining of knowledge.health education see health education.parent education: adolescent in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting parents to understand and help their adolescent children.parent education: childrearing family in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting parents to understand and promote the physical, psychological, and social growth and development of their toddler, preschool, or school-aged children.parent education: infant in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as instruction on nurturing and physical care needed during the first year of life.education (omaha) in the omaha system, programs for the development of special or general abilities.

health ed·u·ca·tion

process by which individuals and groups learn to behave in a manner conducive to promotion, maintenance, or restoration of health.

health education

Public health Activities that promote health and provide information and training about hazards in the environment that would ↓ exposure, illness, or disease.

health ed·u·ca·tion

(helth ed'yū-kā'shŭn) nursing Education to gain knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes for maintaining and improving health in patients.

health education

The inculcation of knowledge the possession of which can help to promote health and reduce the chances of disease. Health education is concerned with such matters as personal hygiene, cleanliness, exercise of body and mind, good diet, care of the skin and hair, and the avoidance of hazards such as smoking, excessive drinking and the abuse of drugs.

health ed·u·ca·tion

(helth ed'yū-kā'shŭn) nursing education to gain knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes for maintaining and improving health in patients.

Patient discussion about health education

Q. Do you want to learn how we got manipulated by some? I noticed an educational video about Asthma. I hope it helps.http://youtube.com/watch?v=jmuWKSRqvKI&featured=relatedListen to eat and read my answer about it. Thank you for your patience.A. Listen to what the man tells you right at the beginning of this video. "You are not alone... learning to CONTROL the SYMPTOMS of asthma and COPD... therefore more can be done to help you MANAGE YOUR SYMPTOMS and live a fuller life...". Do you hear what they say to you? Do they talk about curing you from Asthma? NO, they tell you to keep your symptoms and to learn to live with it. Are they interested that you get rid of your Asthma? NO, they just want you to keep it that way, but some shity drugs should keep you asthmatic, so that they can earn money with you... Listen exactly to what people tells you. Learn with this simple example the subtle way they pretend to help you, but they are absolutely not interested to cure you! Do you see the problem which is around us with such hypocrites/pretenders? I am grateful for this good bad example. Asthma can be cured, but you should not know about it. Please learn to understand. I thank you for your attention.

Q. Do you want to learn how we got manipulated by some? I noticed an educational video about Asthma here on this site. I hope it helps.http://youtube.com/watch?v=jmuWKSRqvKI&featured=relatedListen to it and read my answer about it. Thank you for your patience. Does it help you to understand?A. If you find another video or a text and you are not sure about the content, tell me about it and I will study it and present it here to help you understand with the community. In the moment that you start to listen and read between the lines you will got a kick, but a healthy one. We are here to help you and when I can also teach you this way and it helps you, I will do my best.
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Read my answers with two critical eyes, test me, check me, check it out, to become a professional tester and checker in health and other themes. I check always first my doctors before I keep them. But then the distance is for me irrelevant, because such a good doctor is for me very precious!

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