释义 |
Harmony of the spheres
| See Music of the spheres, under Music. |
See also: Harmony EncyclopediaSeesphereharmony
har·mo·ny (har'mō-nē), Denoting, in a complex sound, a mathematic relationship among the frequencies of the fundamental tone and its overtones so that the frequencies of the overtones are whole number multiples or partials of the frequency of the fundamental tone; the resulting auditory effect has a musical or pleasant quality, as opposed to noise. See: noise. [G., L. harmonia, agreement, articulation, fr. harmos, joint] harmony (hăr′mō-nē) Agreement, balance, or compatibility. functional occlusal harmonyIdeal occlusion of the teeth such that in all mandibular positions during chewing the teeth function efficiently and without trauma to supporting tissues. |