hospital bed syndrome

hospital bed syndrome

An event with medicolegal implications, which may occur in brain-damaged patients—who often are in addition elderly and osteoporotic—who have fallen out of a hospital bed with the sides up (i.e., from a greater height than had the sides been down).
Poor; fractures, coma, death are common.

hospital bed 'syndrome'

Cot sides 'syndrome' An event with medicolegal implications, seen in brain-damaged Pts–who often are, in addition, elderly with osteoporosis, who have fallen out of a hospital bed with the sides up–ie, from a greater height than had the sides been down Prognosis Poor; coma, death are common.

hos·pi·tal bed syn·drome

(hos'pi-tăl bed sin'drōm) An event whereby a disabled, usually aged, patient, manages to get out of a hospital bed even though the sides are elevated, either out of agitation, altered mentation, or suicidal ideation.