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granulosa cell tumor Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.TranslationsEncyclopediaSeetumorgranulosa cell tumor Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.granulosa cell tumor [gran″u-lo´sah] an ovarian tumor originating in the granulosa cells, the solid mass of cells surrounding the graafian follicle; it may be associated with excessive production of estrogen, inducing endometrial hyperplasia with menorrhagia.gran·u·lo·sa cell tu·mora benign or malignant tumor of the ovary arising from the membrana granulosa of the vesicular ovarian (graafian) follicle and frequently secreting estrogen; it is soft, solid, white or yellow, and consists of small round cells sometimes enclosing Call-Exner bodies; larger lipid-containing cells may be present. Synonym(s): folliculoma (1) granulosa cell tumor Gynecology A sex cord tumor of older ♀ that comprises 1-2% of ovarian neoplasms, which is 'driven' by unopposed estrogen stimulation; the endometrium of Pts with GCTs often has cystic hyperplasia and 5-25% of Pts also have a concomitant well-differentiated endometrial CAgran·u·lo·sa cell tu·mor (gran'yū-lō'să sel tū'mŏr) A benign or malignant tumor of the ovary arising from the membrana granulosa of the ovarian (graafian) follicle and frequently secreting estrogen. Synonym(s): folliculoma (1) . AcronymsSeeGCT |