Harold Adams Innis

Innis, Harold Adams


Born Nov. 5, 1894; died Nov. 8, 1952. Canadian bourgeois economist and historian. Doctor of philosophy (1920).

In 1916, Innis graduated from McMaster University (in Hamilton, Ontario). In 1920 he became a professor of political economy at the University of Toronto, and from 1937 on he was dean of the department of economics. Innis was president of the Canadian Political Science Association (from 1937) and president of an association of economic historians (from 1942). He was the founder of the study of Canada’s economic history. He did research on the principal branches of the country’s economy and on the interrelationship between politics and economics, attributing great importance to the influence of the geographic environment and of transportation on the life of society.


Political Economy in the Modern State. Toronto, 1946.
Empire and Communications. Oxford, 1950.
Changing Concepts of Time. Toronto, 1952.


The Culture of Contemporary Canada. Edited by J. Park. New York, 1957.