

单词 bang


bang 1

B0057000 (băng) n. 1. A sudden loud noise, as of an explosion. 2. A sudden loud blow or bump. 3. Informal A sudden burst of action: The campaign started off with a bang. 4. Slang A sense of excitement; a thrill: We got a bang out of watching the old movies. v. banged, bang·ing, bangs v. tr. 1. To strike heavily and often repeatedly; bump. 2. To close suddenly and loudly; slam. 3. To handle noisily or violently: banged the pots in the kitchen. 4. Informal To turn in (a specific direction or along a course), especially suddenly: bang a left onto Boylston Street. 5. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with. v. intr. 1. To make a sudden loud, explosive noise. 2. To crash noisily against or into something: My elbow banged against the door. adv. 1. Exactly; precisely: The arrow hit bang on the target. 2. Suddenly; abruptly: cut the conversation bang off. interj. Used to indicate the sound of an explosion or collision. Phrasal Verbs: bang away 1. To speak or ask questions in a rapid, aggressive manner: reporters banging away at the official during the press conference. 2. To work diligently and often at length: banged away at the project until it was finished. bang up To damage extensively: banged up the car. Idiom: bang for the (or one's) buckValue returned for investment or effort.
[Probably from Old Norse bang, a hammering.]

bang 2

B0057000 (băng)n. often bangs A fringe of hair that hangs over the forehead, cut in any of various styles.tr.v. banged, bang·ing, bangs To cut (hair) to form bangs.
[From bang, abruptly, as in the phrase cut bang off, to cut off abruptly.]

bang 3

B0057000 (băng)n. Variant of bhang.


(bæŋ) n1. a short loud explosive noise, as of the bursting of a balloon or the report of a gun2. a hard blow or knock, esp a noisy one; thump: he gave the ball a bang. 3. informal a startling or sudden effect: he realized with a bang that he was late. 4. slang an injection of heroin or other narcotic5. taboo slang an act of sexual intercourse6. bang for one's buck informal value for money: this option offers more bang for your buck. 7. get a bang out of slang US and Canadian to experience a thrill or excitement from8. with a bang successfully: the party went with a bang. vb9. to hit or knock, esp with a loud noise; bump: to bang one's head. 10. to move noisily or clumsily: to bang about the house. 11. to close (a door, window, etc) or (of a door, etc) be closed noisily; slam12. (tr) to cause to move by hitting vigorously: he banged the ball over the fence. 13. to make or cause to make a loud noise, as of an explosion14. (Stock Exchange) (tr) a. to cause (stock prices) to fall by rapid sellingb. to sell rapidly in (a stock market), thus causing prices to fall15. taboo slang to have sexual intercourse with16. (intr) slang to inject heroin, etc17. bang one's head against a brick wall to try to achieve something impossibleadv18. with a sudden impact or effect: bang went his hopes of winning; the car drove bang into a lamp-post. 19. precisely: bang in the middle of the road. 20. bang goes informal that is the end of: bang goes my job in Wapping. 21. bang to rights slang caught red-handed22. go bang to burst, shut, etc, with a loud noise. See also bang up[C16: from Old Norse bang, banga hammer; related to Low German bangen to beat; all of imitative origin]


(bæŋ) n (Hairdressing & Grooming) a fringe or section of hair cut straight across the foreheadvb (tr) 1. (Hairdressing & Grooming) to cut (the hair) in such a style2. (Horse Training, Riding & Manège) to dock (the tail of a horse, etc)[C19: probably short for bangtail short tail]


(bæŋ) n (Plants) a variant spelling of bhang


n. 1. a loud, sudden, explosive noise, as the discharge of a gun. 2. a resounding stroke or blow: a nasty bang on the head. 3. a sudden movement or show of energy. 4. Informal. thrill; excitement: to get a big bang out of movies. 5. Vulgar Slang. an act or instance of sexual intercourse. 6. Computer and Printing Slang. the exclamation point. v.t. 7. to strike or beat resoundingly; pound: to bang a door. 8. to hit or bump painfully. 9. to throw or set down roughly; slam. 10. Vulgar Slang. to have sexual intercourse with. v.i. 11. to strike violently or noisily: to bang on the door. 12. to make a loud, explosive noise. 13. Vulgar Slang. to have sexual intercourse. 14. bang up, to damage. adv. 15. abruptly or violently: She fell bang against the wall. 16. precisely: He stood bang in the middle of the flower bed. [1540–50; compare Old Norse banga to beat, hammer, Low German bangen to strike, beat]


n. Often, bangs. a fringe of hair cut or combed to fall over the forehead. [1875–80; perhaps from adv. sense of bang1]


Past participle: banged
Gerund: banging
I bang
you bang
he/she/it bangs
we bang
you bang
they bang
I banged
you banged
he/she/it banged
we banged
you banged
they banged
Present Continuous
I am banging
you are banging
he/she/it is banging
we are banging
you are banging
they are banging
Present Perfect
I have banged
you have banged
he/she/it has banged
we have banged
you have banged
they have banged
Past Continuous
I was banging
you were banging
he/she/it was banging
we were banging
you were banging
they were banging
Past Perfect
I had banged
you had banged
he/she/it had banged
we had banged
you had banged
they had banged
I will bang
you will bang
he/she/it will bang
we will bang
you will bang
they will bang
Future Perfect
I will have banged
you will have banged
he/she/it will have banged
we will have banged
you will have banged
they will have banged
Future Continuous
I will be banging
you will be banging
he/she/it will be banging
we will be banging
you will be banging
they will be banging
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been banging
you have been banging
he/she/it has been banging
we have been banging
you have been banging
they have been banging
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been banging
you will have been banging
he/she/it will have been banging
we will have been banging
you will have been banging
they will have been banging
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been banging
you had been banging
he/she/it had been banging
we had been banging
you had been banging
they had been banging
I would bang
you would bang
he/she/it would bang
we would bang
you would bang
they would bang
Past Conditional
I would have banged
you would have banged
he/she/it would have banged
we would have banged
you would have banged
they would have banged
Noun1.bang - a vigorous blowbang - a vigorous blow; "the sudden knock floored him"; "he took a bash right in his face"; "he got a bang on the head"bash, smash, knock, beltblow, bump - an impact (as from a collision); "the bump threw him off the bicycle"
2.bang - a sudden very loud noisebang - a sudden very loud noise clap, bam, blast, eruptionnoise - sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound); "he enjoyed the street noises"; "they heard indistinct noises of people talking"; "during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels"water hammer - the banging sound of steam in pipes
3.bang - a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the foreheadbang - a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the foreheadfringecoif, coiffure, hair style, hairdo, hairstyle - the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)
4.bang - the swift release of a store of affective forcebang - the swift release of a store of affective force; "they got a great bang out of it"; "what a boot!"; "he got a quick rush from injecting heroin"; "he does it for kicks"thrill, kick, boot, rush, flush, chargeexcitement, exhilaration - the feeling of lively and cheerful joy; "he could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed"
5.bang - a conspicuous success; "that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career"; "that new Broadway show is a real smasher"; "the party went with a bang"hit, smasher, smash, strikesuccess - an attainment that is successful; "his success in the marathon was unexpected"; "his new play was a great success"megahit, smash hit, blockbuster - an unusually successful hit with widespread popularity and huge sales (especially a movie or play or recording or novel)sleeper - an unexpected hit; "that movie was the sleeper of the summer"
Verb1.bang - strike violentlybang - strike violently; "slam the ball" slamhit - deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument; "He hit her hard in the face"
2.bang - to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive soundbang - to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound; "One of them banged the sash of the window nearest my bed"sound, go - make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"
3.bang - close violentlybang - close violently; "He slammed the door shut"slamclose, shut - move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window"
4.bang - move noisily; "The window banged shut"; "The old man banged around the house"go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"
5.bang - have sexual intercourse withbang - have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"bonk, do it, eff, fuck, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, be intimate, lie with, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with, make love, hump, jazz, love, bed, make out, knowneck, make out - kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion; "The couple were necking in the back seat of the car"have, take - have sex with; archaic use; "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"fornicate - have sex without being marriedcopulate, mate, couple, pair - engage in sexual intercourse; "Birds mate in the Spring"
6.bang - leap, jerk, bang; "Bullets spanged into the trees"spangdialect, idiom, accent - the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people; "the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English"; "he has a strong German accent"; "it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy"collide with, impinge on, hit, run into, strike - hit against; come into sudden contact with; "The car hit a tree"; "He struck the table with his elbow"
Adv.1.bang - directlybang - directly; "he ran bang into the pole"; "ran slap into her"slap, smack, bolt, slapdashcolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech


noun1. explosion, report, shot, pop, clash, crack, blast, burst, boom, slam, discharge, thump, clap, thud, clang, peal, detonation I heard four or five loud bangs.2. blow, hit, box, knock, stroke, punch, belt (informal), rap, bump, bash (informal), sock (slang), smack, thump, buffet, clout (informal), cuff, clump (slang), whack, wallop (informal), slosh (Brit. slang), tonk (informal), clomp (slang) a nasty bang on the headverb1. resound, beat, crash, burst, boom, echo, drum, explode, thunder, thump, throb, thud, clang The engine spat and banged.2. slam, crash, thump the sound of doors banging3. bump, knock, elbow, jostle I didn't mean to bang into you.4. (often with on) hit, pound, beat, strike, crash, knock, belt (informal), hammer, slam, rap, bump, bash (informal), thump, clatter, pummel, tonk (informal) We could bang on the desks and shout until they let us out.adverb1. exactly, just, straight, square, squarely, precisely, slap, smack, plumb (informal) bang in the middle of the track2. completely, quite, totally, fully, entirely, absolutely, altogether, thoroughly, wholly, utterly, every inch, a hundred per cent, one hundred per cent, down to the ground It's as bang up-to-date as you can get.3. suddenly, promptly, instantly, abruptly, all of a sudden, all at once, without warning, in a flash, in an instant, on the spur of the moment Email: I click on 'send', and bang, it's there! suddenly


noun1. An earsplitting, explosive noise:blast, boom, roar, thunder.2. A sudden sharp, explosive noise:bark, clap, crack, explosion, pop, rat-a-tat-tat, report, snap.3. A forceful movement causing a loud noise:crash, slam, smash, wham.4. A sudden sharp, powerful stroke:blow, clout, crack, hit, lick, pound, slug, sock, swat, thwack, welt, whack, wham, whop.Informal: bash, biff, bop, clip, wallop.Slang: belt, conk, paste.5. Slang. A strong, pleasant feeling of excitement or stimulation:lift, thrill.Informal: wallop.Slang: boot, high, kick.verb1. To strike, set down, or close in such a way as to make a loud noise:clap, crash, slam, whack.2. To make an earsplitting explosive noise:blast, boom, roar, thunder.3. To make a sudden sharp, explosive noise:bark, clap, crack, pop, snap.adverbWith precision or absolute conformity:dead, direct, directly, exactly, fair, flush, just, precisely, right, smack, square, squarely, straight.Slang: smack-dab.


(bӕŋ) noun1. a sudden loud noise. The door shut with a bang. 砰砰的聲音 砰砰的声音2. a blow or knock. a bang on the head from a falling branch. 重擊,敲擊 猛击 verb1. to close with a sudden loud noise. He banged the door. 砰地關上 砰地关上2. to hit or strike violently, often making a loud noise. The child banged his drum; He banged the book down angrily on the table. 猛力重擊 猛击3. to make a sudden loud noise. We could hear the fireworks banging in the distance. 發出突然巨響 砰砰作响banger noun an explosive firework. The child was frightened by the bangers at the firework display. 爆竹,鞭炮 烟火,爆竹


巨响zhCN, 重击zhCN



, bang a preparation of the leaves and flower tops of Indian hemp, which has psychoactive properties: much used in India


(1)A common spoken name for "!" (ASCII 33), especially whenused in pronouncing a bang path in spoken hackish. Inelder days this was considered a CMUish usage, with MITand Stanford hackers preferring excl or shriek; but thespread of Unix has carried "bang" with it (especially viathe term bang path) and it is now certainly the most commonspoken name for "!". Note that it is used exclusively fornon-emphatic written "!"; one would not say "Congratulationsbang" (except possibly for humorous purposes), but if onewanted to specify the exact characters "foo!" one would speak"Eff oh oh bang".

See pling, shriek, ASCII.


(2)An exclamation signifying roughly "I have achievedenlightenment!", or "The dynamite has cleared out my brain!"Often used to acknowledge that one has perpetrated a thinkoimmediately after one has been called on it.


Slang for exclamation point. See bang path.



(bahng), Avoid the incorrect forms Bangs and Bangs'.Bernhard L.F., Danish veterinarian and physician, 1848-1932. See: Bang disease.


Drug slang
verb A regional term meaning to inject a drug.
verb A slang for having sexual intercourse.




The dried leaves of Cannabis sativa, the hemp plant from which MARIJUANA is derived.


BANGBay Area News Group (website and newspaper; San Francisco, CA)
BANGBrighton Animators Networking Group
BANGBay Area iNtactivists Group (Oakland, CA)
BANGBoston Area Naturists Group (Boston, MA)
BANGBroomhill Action & Neighbourhood Group (Sheffield, UK)
BANGBis Acrylamide Nitrogen Gel (radiation dosimeters)
BANGBattalion Afghanistan National Guard


  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • adv

Synonyms for bang

noun explosion


  • explosion
  • report
  • shot
  • pop
  • clash
  • crack
  • blast
  • burst
  • boom
  • slam
  • discharge
  • thump
  • clap
  • thud
  • clang
  • peal
  • detonation

noun blow


  • blow
  • hit
  • box
  • knock
  • stroke
  • punch
  • belt
  • rap
  • bump
  • bash
  • sock
  • smack
  • thump
  • buffet
  • clout
  • cuff
  • clump
  • whack
  • wallop
  • slosh
  • tonk
  • clomp

verb resound


  • resound
  • beat
  • crash
  • burst
  • boom
  • echo
  • drum
  • explode
  • thunder
  • thump
  • throb
  • thud
  • clang

verb slam


  • slam
  • crash
  • thump

verb bump


  • bump
  • knock
  • elbow
  • jostle

verb hit


  • hit
  • pound
  • beat
  • strike
  • crash
  • knock
  • belt
  • hammer
  • slam
  • rap
  • bump
  • bash
  • thump
  • clatter
  • pummel
  • tonk

adv exactly


  • exactly
  • just
  • straight
  • square
  • squarely
  • precisely
  • slap
  • smack
  • plumb

adv completely


  • completely
  • quite
  • totally
  • fully
  • entirely
  • absolutely
  • altogether
  • thoroughly
  • wholly
  • utterly
  • every inch
  • a hundred per cent
  • one hundred per cent
  • down to the ground

adv suddenly


  • suddenly
  • promptly
  • instantly
  • abruptly
  • all of a sudden
  • all at once
  • without warning
  • in a flash
  • in an instant
  • on the spur of the moment
  • suddenly

Synonyms for bang

noun an earsplitting, explosive noise


  • blast
  • boom
  • roar
  • thunder

noun a sudden sharp, explosive noise


  • bark
  • clap
  • crack
  • explosion
  • pop
  • rat-a-tat-tat
  • report
  • snap

noun a forceful movement causing a loud noise


  • crash
  • slam
  • smash
  • wham

noun a sudden sharp, powerful stroke


  • blow
  • clout
  • crack
  • hit
  • lick
  • pound
  • slug
  • sock
  • swat
  • thwack
  • welt
  • whack
  • wham
  • whop
  • bash
  • biff
  • bop
  • clip
  • wallop
  • belt
  • conk
  • paste

noun a strong, pleasant feeling of excitement or stimulation


  • lift
  • thrill
  • wallop
  • boot
  • high
  • kick

verb to strike, set down, or close in such a way as to make a loud noise


  • clap
  • crash
  • slam
  • whack

verb to make an earsplitting explosive noise


  • blast
  • boom
  • roar
  • thunder

verb to make a sudden sharp, explosive noise


  • bark
  • clap
  • crack
  • pop
  • snap

adv with precision or absolute conformity


  • dead
  • direct
  • directly
  • exactly
  • fair
  • flush
  • just
  • precisely
  • right
  • smack
  • square
  • squarely
  • straight
  • smack-dab

Synonyms for bang

noun a vigorous blow


  • bash
  • smash
  • knock
  • belt

Related Words

  • blow
  • bump

noun a sudden very loud noise


  • clap
  • bam
  • blast
  • eruption

Related Words

  • noise
  • water hammer

noun a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead


  • fringe

Related Words

  • coif
  • coiffure
  • hair style
  • hairdo
  • hairstyle

noun the swift release of a store of affective force


  • thrill
  • kick
  • boot
  • rush
  • flush
  • charge

Related Words

  • excitement
  • exhilaration

noun a conspicuous success


  • hit
  • smasher
  • smash
  • strike

Related Words

  • success
  • megahit
  • smash hit
  • blockbuster
  • sleeper

verb strike violently


  • slam

Related Words

  • hit

verb to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound

Related Words

  • sound
  • go

verb close violently


  • slam

Related Words

  • close
  • shut

verb move noisily

Related Words

  • go
  • locomote
  • move
  • travel

verb have sexual intercourse with


  • bonk
  • do it
  • eff
  • fuck
  • get it on
  • get laid
  • have a go at it
  • have intercourse
  • have it away
  • have it off
  • have sex
  • be intimate
  • lie with
  • roll in the hay
  • screw
  • sleep together
  • sleep with
  • make love
  • hump
  • jazz
  • love
  • bed
  • make out
  • know

Related Words

  • neck
  • make out
  • have
  • take
  • fornicate
  • copulate
  • mate
  • couple
  • pair

verb leap, jerk, bang


  • spang

Related Words

  • dialect
  • idiom
  • accent
  • collide with
  • impinge on
  • hit
  • run into
  • strike

adv directly


  • slap
  • smack
  • bolt
  • slapdash

Related Words

  • colloquialism




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