Hill, George William

Hill, George William

(1838–1914) mathematical astronomer; born in West Nyack, N.Y. A recluse, this National Academy of Sciences member was a master of mathematical astronomics and a contributor to advances in dynamic astronomy. He worked on tables of lunar and planetary motion and developed Hill's equation. He lectured on celestial mechanics at Columbia University (1898).

Hill, George William


Born Mar. 3, 1838, in New York City; died Apr. 16, 1914, in West Nyack, N.Y. American astronomer and specialist in celestial mechanics.

Hill’s principal works were devoted to the theory of the motions of planets and asteroids, to general aspects of the theory of perturbations of celestial bodies, and to the precise determination of planetary mass. Data based on the theory of motion constructed by Hill for Jupiter and Saturn are still used in astronomical almanacs.


The Collected Mathematical Works, vols. 1–4. Washington, D.C., 1905–07.