ICVIntegrity Check Value (IETF Authentication Header for IPV6 and V4)
ICVInternational Certificate of Vaccination (World Health Organization)
ICVIniciativa per Catalunya Verds
ICVIntegrity Check Value
ICVInternational Corporate Video
ICVIntermediate Commercial Vehicle
ICVIllegal Control Variable
ICVInternational Cruise Victims (advocacy group)
ICVInfantry Carrier Vehicle
ICVIdle Control Valve (automotive)
ICVInterval Control Valve (energy production)
ICVInfantry Combat Vehicle
ICVImpuesto de Circulación de Vehículos (Spanish: Vehicle Road Tax; various locations)
ICVInternal Combustion Vehicle (automobiles)
ICVIleocecal Valve
ICVIntegrated Cement Volume (oil production)
ICVInternational Conference Volunteers (Geneva, Switzerland)
ICVInitial Calibration Verification
ICVIndependent Custody Visitor
ICVInlet Check Valve (automotive)
ICVInternational Congress of Vexillology
ICVIndice du Coût de la Vie (French: Cost of Living Index)
ICVInternational Corporate Volunteering
ICVintracellular volume
ICVInteractive Computer Vision (workshop)
ICVIncremental Contract Value
ICVIndividually Constructed Vehicle (Australia)
ICVIrrigation Control Valve
ICVInternational Cognitive Visualization (degree program; various universities)
ICVInterChip Via
ICVIntracranial Vault
ICVIndividual Cell Voltage
ICVIctus Cerebrovascularis (Catalan: Cerebrovascular Stroke)
ICVIncoming Verification
ICVInventory Carry Value
ICVInter Company Voucher
ICVIndependent Commanders Viewer