Acronym | Definition |
IMC➣Internet Mail Consortium |
IMC➣Independent Media Center |
IMC➣International Medical Corps |
IMC➣Instructional Media Center |
IMC➣Integrated Marketing Communications |
IMC➣Indice de Masse Corporelle (French: Body Mass Index) |
IMC➣Intelligent Management Center (Hewlett-Packard) |
IMC➣Institute of Management Consultants |
IMC➣International Mulch Company (St. Louis, MO) |
IMC➣International Music Council (UNESCO) |
IMC➣International Mechanical Code (construction) |
IMC➣Isotype-Matched Control |
IMC➣Instant Messaging and Chat (software) |
IMC➣Instrument Meteorological Conditions (aviation) |
IMC➣Índice de Masa Corporal (Spanish) |
IMC➣International Management Consultants (various locations) |
IMC➣International Management Center (various locations) |
IMC➣Internet Marketing Consultant |
IMC➣Instructional Materials Committee (various schools) |
IMC➣Incident Management Capability (various organizations) |
IMC➣Irish Manuscripts Commission (est. 1938; Ireland) |
IMC➣Investment Management Consultants (various locations) |
IMC➣International Mathematics Competition |
IMC➣Institute of Macromolecular Compounds (est. 1948) |
IMC➣International Music Camp (various locations) |
IMC➣Incorporated Management Committee (education; Hong Kong) |
IMC➣Immature Myeloid Cell |
IMC➣Information Multimedia Communication (various locations) |
IMC➣Indian Motorcycle Company (Delaware) |
IMC➣Irwin Mortgage Corporation (various locations) |
IMC➣Internal Mammary Chain (breast cancer) |
IMC➣Indus Motor Company |
IMC➣Intel Music Coder |
IMC➣Interactive Media Center |
IMC➣Item Management Coding |
IMC➣Internet Marketing Center |
IMC➣Intramucosal Carcinoma (oncology) |
IMC➣Intermec Mobile Computer |
IMC➣International Monitoring Commission (UK) |
IMC➣Inter-Ministerial Commission (various locations) |
IMC➣Infirme Moteur Cérébral (French: Cerebral Palsy) |
IMC➣International Media Corporation (Timonium, MD) |
IMC➣Internal Model Control |
IMC➣Interplanetary Magnetic Cloud (astronomy) |
IMC➣Industrial Manufacturing Company |
IMC➣Ironman Canada |
IMC➣International Microscopy Congress |
IMC➣Independent Monitoring Commission (UK) |
IMC➣Investment Migration Council (Geneva, Switzerland) |
IMC➣Intermetallic Compound |
IMC➣Investment Management Certificate |
IMC➣Indian Merchants Chamber |
IMC➣Intermediate Metal Conduit (engineering) |
IMC➣International Manufacturing Centre (UK) |
IMC➣Information Media Center (various locations) |
IMC➣Interactive Media Council (New York, NY) |
IMC➣IntelliRisk Management Corporation (Columbus, OH) |
IMC➣Independent Methodist Church (various locations) |
IMC➣Industrial Medical Council |
IMC➣International Movement for Change |
IMC➣Interactive Media Corporation (Australia) |
IMC➣Illinois Medical Center (University of Illinois) |
IMC➣Indian Muslim Community |
IMC➣Insurance Management Corporation (various locations) |
IMC➣Independent Marketing Company |
IMC➣Instrument Meteorological Condition(s) |
IMC➣Image Motion Compensation |
IMC➣International Mining Consultants (UK) |
IMC➣Integrative Medicine Center |
IMC➣International Monetary Conference |
IMC➣In My Campaign (role-playing games) |
IMC➣Information Management Corporation |
IMC➣Integrated Maintenance Concept |
IMC➣Information Management Congress |
IMC➣Consolata Missionaries (religious order) |
IMC➣Invention Machine Corporation |
IMC➣Indianapolis/Marion County Communications (Indiana) |
IMC➣International Morse Code |
IMC➣Internet Message Center |
IMC➣Installation Management Command (US Army) |
IMC➣Innovex Medical Communications (various locations) |
IMC➣Internal Management Control |
IMC➣International Microwave Corporation |
IMC➣Investment Management Committee |
IMC➣Issue Management Council |
IMC➣Internet Ministry Conference |
IMC➣Intima-Media Complex (vascular wall morphology) |
IMC➣Input Management Console (Software) |
IMC➣Interagency Modeling Center (US Army) |
IMC➣Intermud Communications (protocol) |
IMC➣Information Management Commission (Colorado) |
IMC➣Indiana Metal Craft |
IMC➣International Mountain Climbing (school) |
IMC➣Illusionary Minds Chat |
IMC➣Item Management Code |
IMC➣Integration Marketing & Communications |
IMC➣Industrial Microphotonics Company |
IMC➣Interim Message Change |
IMC➣Indy Music Channel |
IMC➣International Master Councilor (International Order of DeMolay) |
IMC➣International Micrographic Congress |
IMC➣Industrial Mobilization Capacity |
IMC➣Integrated Market Communication (less common) |
IMC➣Incident Management Center |
IMC➣Intercollegiate Men's Choruses, Inc |
IMC➣It's My Company (California) |
IMC➣Information Management Concept |
IMC➣Impedance Matrix Compression (computational electromagnetics) |
IMC➣Integrated Management Control |
IMC➣International Maintenance Center |
IMC➣Intensive Mixing Cascade |
IMC➣Chief Instrumentman (Naval Rating) |
IMC➣Industrial Modernization Center, Inc. (Williamsport, PA) |
IMC➣Instituto Mayor Campesino (Spanish: Main Agricultural Institute) |
IMC➣Integration Management Council |
IMC➣Iron Man Competition |
IMC➣IMSI Management Council |
IMC➣Integrated Maneuver Controller |
IMC➣Integrated Management Center |
IMC➣Instituto de Medicina Complementaria (Spanish: Institute of Complementary Medicine) |
IMC➣Issue Management and Communications |
IMC➣International Meetings & Conventions |
IMC➣Intercontinental Marketing Corporation |
IMC➣International Metalworking Companies BV |
IMC➣Integral Midwall Cooling |
IMC➣Iloilo Mountaineering Club, Inc. (Philippines) |
IMC➣International Meteorological Commission |
IMC➣Information Management Controller |
IMC➣Instrumented Multi-Spectral Cue |
IMC➣International Marblelympic Commitee (est. 2017) |
IMC➣Integrated Management Concept |
IMC➣Industrial Mobilization Costs |
IMC➣Intermountain Mortgage Corporation (Montana) |
IMC➣Inert Mine with Collar |
IMC➣Illinois Mennonite Conference |
IMC➣Intermediate Metal/Metallic Conduit |
IMC➣Interface Management Card |
IMC➣International Maar Conference |
IMC➣Indiranagar Methodist Church (India) |
IMC➣Iron Mines Company of Venezuela |
IMC➣Indian Movie Club |
IMC➣IHI Marine Company (Japan) |
IMC➣International Monarchist Conference |
IMC➣Institut Mondial du Charbon (French: World Coal Institute) |
IMC➣Institute for Mining, Clausthal |