Battle of Lexington State Historic Site

Battle of Lexington State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Missouri
Location:On John Shea Drive in Lexington, Lafayette County.
Facilities:Historic home and battlegrounds, picnic sites, hiking trails, visitor center.
Activities:Picnicking, interpretive programs, guided historical tours.
Special Features:Oliver Anderson's mansion was the fiercely contested prize in a CivilWar battle between the Missouri State Guard and the Union army. Duringthree days of bloody battles, the house changed hands three times.Today the mansion is restored, as are the gardens and orchards thatsurround it, but visitors can still see damage from the shot and shellthat hammered the house as well as remnants of the trenches and gravesof unknown Union soldiers. Preserved also at the site are 100 acres ofbattlefield.
Address:1300 N John Shea Dr
Lexington, MO 64067

Size: 95 acres.

See other parks in Missouri.