hollandaise sauce

hol·lan·daise sauce

H0240800 (hŏl′ən-dāz′)n. A rich creamy sauce made of butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar.
[From French (sauce) Hollandaise, Holland-style, from Hollande, Holland.]

hollandaise sauce

(ˌhɒlənˈdeɪz; ˈhɒlənˌdeɪz) or


n (Cookery) a rich sauce of egg yolks, butter, vinegar, etc, served esp with fish[C19: from French sauce hollandaise Dutch sauce]

hol′lan•daise sauce`

(ˈhɒl ənˌdeɪz, ˌhɒl ənˈdeɪz)
n. a sauce of egg yolks, butter, lemon juice, and seasonings. [1905–10; < French sauce hollandaise Dutch sauce]