Graphics Interchange Format
graphics interchange format
[¦graf·iks ′in·tər‚chānj ‚fȯr‚mat]Graphics Interchange Format
(graphics, file format)Graphics Interchange Format and GIF are service marks ofCompuServe Incorporated. This only affects use of GIFwithin Compuserve, and pass-through licensing for software toaccess them, it doesn't affect anyone else's use of GIF. Itfollowed from a 1994 legal action by Unisys against CIS forviolating Unisys's LZW software patent. The CompuServeVice President has stated that "CompuServe is committed tokeeping the GIF 89A specification as an open, fully-supported,non-proprietary specification for the entire on-line communityincluding the World-Wide Web".
Filename extension: .gif.
File format.
GIF89a specification.
See also progressive coding, animated GIF.