Guru Granth Sahib

Gu·ru Granth Sa·hib

G5327650 (go͝or′o͞o grŭnt sä′hĭb, -ĭb; säb, go͝o-ro͞o′)n. The sacred text of Sikhism, considered by Sikhs as the eleventh and final guru and as the repository of God's revelation to humankind.
[Punjabi Gurū Granth Sāhib, gurū, guru (from Sanskrit guruḥ; see guru), granth, book (from Sanskrit granthaḥ, a tying or stringing together, composition, book, from grathnāti, to tie together, compose; akin to Persian girih, knot), sāhib, master (from Arabic ṣāḥib, companion, master; see sahib).]