Hart, Albert Bushnell

Hart, Albert Bushnell,

1854–1943, American historian, b. Clarksville, Greene co., Pa. He began teaching history at Harvard in 1883, became a full professor in 1897, and from 1910 until his retirement in 1926 was professor of government. Hart was a prodigious worker who was responsible for the publication of about 100 volumes. He edited and contributed to the "American Nation" series (28 vol., 1904–18) and Epochs of American History (4 vol., 1891–1926). He was joint editor, with Edward Channing, of American History Leaflets (1892–1910) and, with Andrew C. McLaughlin, of the Cyclopedia of American Government (3 vol., 1914). With Channing again he also compiled the Guide to the Study and Reading of American History (1896; rev. and enl. ed. by Channing, Hart, and Frederick J. Turner, 1912), still one of the most valuable single-volume bibliographies of American history. Of the individual books he wrote, Salmon Portland Chase (1899, repr. 1970) and The Foundations of American Foreign Policy (1901, repr. 1970) were probably most important.