释义 |
-graphysuff.1. Writing or representation produced in a specified manner or by a specified process: photography.2. a. Writing about a specified subject: oceanography.b. Representation of a specified object: phonography. [Latin -graphia, from Greek -graphiā, from graphein, to write; see gerbh- in Indo-European roots.]-graphy n combining form 1. indicating a form or process of writing, representing, etc: calligraphy; photography. 2. indicating an art or descriptive science: choreography; oceanography. [via Latin from Greek -graphia, from graphein to write]-graphy a combining form used in the names of processes or forms of writing, printing, representing, recording, or describing, or in the names of an art or science concerned with such processes: biography; choreography; geography. [< Greek -graphia. See -graph, -y3] Translations-graphy
-graphy word element [Gr.], writing or recording; a method of recording. adj., adj graph´ic.-graphy (graf'ē), A writing, a description. [G. graphō, to write] -graphy Suffix indicating a writing, a description. [G. graphō, to write] |