Armenia Motherhood and Beauty Day

Armenia Motherhood and Beauty Day

April 7Motherhood and Beauty Day is a national holiday in Armenia, celebrated each year on April 7. It comes not long after another national holiday, Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8. Women's Day is meant to honor all women, but Motherhood and Beauty Day is dedicated especially to those who have become mothers.
On this occasion, the unique qualities and beauty of each woman are to be appreciated. Children and adults alike show their affection for their mothers with special visits, cards, and gifts. Sending flowers to one's mother is an especially popular way to mark this holiday. Another tradition associated with Motherhood and Beauty Day is the gift of a twig that has fresh sprouts on it. The symbolism of the budding twig, and the holiday's placement in the springtime, are indicators that the celebration may trace its roots back to ancient fertility cults, such as the cult of Anahit. The month-long period between Women's Day and Motherhood and Beauty Day is unofficially regarded as an ongoing opportunity to celebrate all women.
Armenian Embassy
2225 R St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
202-319-1976; fax: 202-319-2982
Armenian Tourism Development Agency
374-154-2303 or 374-154-2306