healthy weight

healthy weight

Nutrition The ideal weight for a particular height. See Diet, Obesity. Cf Desirable weight.

Patient discussion about healthy weight

Q. How can I loose weight in a healthy way? A. Basically – eat balanced diet of what your body NEEDS and not what you desire to eat, exercise more and cut off smoking and other bad habits. You don’t have to change your whole life – sometimes relatively simple measures can make a big change.
You may read more here (, and remember to consult a professional before you start a new diet or exercise program.

Q. Is it healthy to have a soft belly? I do not have a huge belly, but it is round and soft with no muscle tone with a fat layer.A. The fat is more problematic than the muscle tone, and it's considered as a risk factor for heart diseases and others. Low muscle tone or strength of the muscles of the abdomen may lead to problems like hyperlordosis (lower back that is too curved backward) but these are usually treated, if necessary by strengthening these muscles, so usually it doesn't pose a substantial risk.

Q. Could you guys help me to get healthy? I am Daron, 25 years old, Male, 5’0 and weigh 250pounds. I have to loose a lot of weight to get a healthy body. I am crazy with my snacks. I know that I have to cut down on snacks. It’s always easy to say, but hard to follow. Usually, I never have a breakfast. For lunch I have Sandwich and Soup or Roll with filling. And for dinner I usually have Rice, Chips or Noodles with meat. Could you guys help me to get healthy?A. You need to eat healthy and exercise...get rid of all of the junk in your house. Make yourself accountable by telling friends and family to help you stay in control. If you need any more help I'm here for you as I am going through the same thing.

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