Hinckley Reservation
Hinckley Reservation
Hinckley, OH 44233
Web: www.clemetparks.com
Size: 2,275 acres.
Location:About 20 miles southwest of downtown Cleveland, off State Route 606 about a mile south of the junction with Route 303.
Facilities:Picnic areas with shelters, concessions, trails, lake, boat launch, pier, swimming pool (open seasonally), ball fields, sports courts, historic sites, geocache site.
Activities:Boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, basketball, volleyball, ice skating, ice fishing, sledding.
Special Features:Annual park highlights include a March "return of the buzzards," inwhich celebrations are carried out to welcome the returning migratorybirds from their wintering grounds in Florida.
See other parks in Ohio.