indifferent electrode


 [e-lek´trōd] either of two terminals of an electrically conducting system or cell; specifically, the uninsulated portion of a lead that is in direct contact with the electrode therapeutic electrode.calomel electrode one capable of both collecting and giving up chloride ions in neutral or acidic aqueous media, consisting of mercury in contact with mercurous chloride; used as a reference electrode in pH measurements.depolarizing electrode an electrode that has a resistance greater than that of the portion of the body enclosed in the circuit.hydrogen electrode an electrode made by depositing platinum black on platinum and then allowing it to absorb hydrogen gas to saturation; used in determination of hydrogen ion concentration.indifferent electrode one larger than a therapeutic electrode, dispersing electrical stimulation over a larger area.point electrode an electrode having on one end a metallic point; used in applying current.therapeutic electrode one smaller than an indifferent electrode, producing electrical stimulation in a concentrated area; called also active electrode.

in·dif·fer·ent e·lec·trode

in unipolar electrocardiography, a remote electrode placed either upon a single limb or connected with the central terminal and paired with an exploring electrode; the indifferent electrode is supposed to contribute little or nothing to the resulting record. Synonym(s): dispersing electrode, silent electrode

indifferent electrode

An electrode larger than an active electrode. It produces electrical stimulation over a large area. Synonym: dispersive electrode.See also: electrode