Hertwig sheath

Hert·wig sheath

(hert'vig), the merged outer and inner epithelial layers of the enamel organ that extend beyond the region of the anatomic crown and initiates formation of dentin in the root of a developing tooth; it atrophies as the root is formed, and any of the cells that persist are called Malassez epithelial rests.

Hert·wig sheath

(hert'vig shēth) The merged outer and inner epithelial layers of the enamel organ that extends beyond the region of the anatomic crown and initiates formation of dentin in the root of a developing tooth; it atrophies as the root is formed, and any of the cells that persist are called Malassez epithelial rests.


Wilhelm A.O., German embryologist, 1849-1922. Hertwig sheath - the merged outer and inner epithelial layers of the enamel organ, which extends beyond the anatomical crown and initiates formation of dentin in the root of a developing tooth.

Hert·wig sheath

(hert'vig shēth) The merged outer and inner epithelial layers of the enamel organ that extend beyond the region of the anatomic crown and initiates formation of dentin in the root of a developing tooth; atrophies as the root is forms.