hypnotic suggestion


 [sug-jes´chun] 1. the act of offering an idea for action or for consideration of action.2. an idea so offered.3. in psychiatry, the process of causing uncritical acceptance of an idea.hypnotic suggestion one imparted to a person in the hypnotic state.posthypnotic suggestion implantation in the mind of a subject during hypnosis of a suggestion to be acted upon after recovery from the hypnotic state.

hyp·not·ic sug·ges·tion

a directive to a subject in trance, which is carried out either during or after the trance.
See also: minor hypnosis.

hypnotic suggestion

Psychiatry The modification of unconscious thought through hypnosis, which may be useful for specific/simple phobias, but rarely for agoraphobia, social phobia, or anxiety and panic disorders. See Hypnosis.

hyp·not·ic sug·ges·tion

(hip-not'ik sŭg-jes'chŭn) A direction given to a hypnotized subject for an activity that occurs during the trance or after; subject is not aware of such order and is purported to follow such direction regardless (e.g., smoking cessation).
Synonym(s): posthypnotic suggestion.