Incubator House

Incubator House


a building designed for the accommodation of incubators and the incubation of the eggs of poultry. Incubator houses are built as part of various poultry farms, breeding farms, and poultry hatcheries.

The size of an incubator house depends on the type and number of incubators housed in it. Incubator houses are permanent structures and are built with consideration for the climatic conditions of the region. They are one-story buildings, usually of girder and post construction; the floors are of concrete, cement, ceramic tiles, and other materials that can stand up to disinfectants. Height of the incubation room, depending on the size of the incubators, is 2.8–4 m, with all the other rooms being no less than 2.8 m high. The rate of natural lighting (the ratio of window area to floor area) is 1:10–1:15. Incubator houses have central heating, good ventilation, water piping, and a sewage system. Two independent sources are provided for an uninterrupted supply of electrical energy. Along with incubator houses for farm incubators, incubator houses with built-in incubation and hatching chambers are also built. The basic operational rooms in an incubator house are the incubation and hatching rooms, the egg-receiving and egg-sorting room, the room for storing eggs, rooms for sorting and distributing the young, and so on. All the rooms are arranged in accordance with the set-up of the technological process of incubation.