Holmes-Adie syndrome

A·die syn·drome

(a'dē), [MIM*103100] an idiopathic postganglionic denervation of the parasympathetically innervated intraocular muscles, usually complicated by signs of aberrant regeneration of these nerves: a weak light reaction with segmental palsy of iris sphincter, a strong, slow near response. Deep tendon reflexes are often asymmetrically reduced.
See also: tonic pupil.
Synonym(s): Adie pupil, Holmes-Adie pupil, Holmes-Adie syndrome, pupillotonic pseudotabes

Holmes-Adie syndrome

(hōmz′ā′dē, hōlmz′-)n. A syndrome of unknown etiology and pathology characterized by tonic pupillary reactions with tendon reflexes possibly absent or diminished.

A·die syn·drome

, Adie pupil (a'dē sin'drōm, pyū'pil) An idiopathic postganglionic denervation of the parasympathetically innervated intraocular muscles, usually complicated by signs of aberrant regeneration of these nerves: a weak light reaction with segmental palsy of iris sphincter, a strong, slow near response. Deep tendon reflexes are often asymmetrically reduced.
See also: tonic pupil
Synonym(s): Holmes-Adie pupil, Holmes-Adie syndrome, pupillotonic pseudostrabismus.


William John, Australian physician, 1886-1935. Adie pupil - Synonym(s): Adie syndromeAdie syndrome - an idiopathic postganglionic denervation of the parasympathetically innervated intraocular muscles. Synonym(s): Adie pupil; Holmes-Adie pupil; Holmes-Adie syndrome; pupillotonic pseudotabes; Weill syndromeHolmes-Adie pupil - Synonym(s): Adie syndromeHolmes-Adie syndrome - Synonym(s): Adie syndrome


Sir Gordon M., English neurologist, 1876-1965. Holmes-Adie pupil - Synonym(s): Adie syndromeHolmes-Adie syndrome - Synonym(s): Adie syndromeStewart-Holmes sign - see under Stewart, Thomas Grainger