释义 |
holo-(word root) whole, completeExamples of words with the root holo-: holographholo- or hol-pref. Whole; entire; entirely: holoblastic. [Greek, from holos, whole; see sol- in Indo-European roots.]holo- or before a vowel hol-combining formwhole or wholly: holograph; holotype; Holarctic. [from Greek holos]holo- a combining form meaning “whole,” “entire”: holomorphic. Also, esp. before a vowel, hol-. [< Greek, comb. form of hólos] holo-
holo- (hol'ō), Whole, entire, complete. [G. holos] holo- Prefix meaning whole, entire, complete. [G. holos]hol- or holo- Combining form denoting wholly, entire. From the Greek holos .holo- prefix denoting whole. |