Herzog, Roman
Herzog, Roman,
1934–2017, German political leader and legal scholar. After receiving his doctorate in law from Ludwig Maximilian Univ., Munich (1958), he taught there, at the Free Univ. of Berlin (1966–69), and at the German Univ. of Administrative Sciences (1969–73), where he also served as vice chancellor (1971–72). A member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 1970, he was Rhineland-Palatinate's commissioner to the West German federal government (1973–78), minister for culture and sports in Baden-Württemberg (1978–80), and a member of the Baden-Württemberg legislature and the state's interior minister (1980–83). Under Chancellor Helmut KohlKohl, Helmut(Helmut Josef Michael Kohl) , 1930–2017, German statesman, chancellor of West Germany (1982–1990) and reunified Germany (1990–98). A member of Christian Democratic Union (CDU), he was elected to the Rhineland-Palatinate parliament in 1959, became
..... Click the link for more information. , he was elected to the Federal Constitutional Court (1983), becoming its president (1987–94). In 1994 he became the first president of Germany to be elected after the country's reunification, serving until 1999.