Guttman, Arielle
Guttman, Arielle
(religion, spiritualism, and occult)Arielle Guttman has been involved with many aspects of astrology—research, writing, lecturing, teaching and counseling—since 1974. She has taught astrological seminars in many countries around the world. She has carried on much of the work of the late astrologer Jim Lewis with whom she had conducted many projects within the field of locational astrology and locality mapping. She has also worked personally with Robert Hand in the field of astrolocality mapping. Now, Guttman serves on the faculty and the board of directors of the Wisdom School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is the author of three books on astrology: Astro-Compatibility, Mythic Astrology (with Kenneth Johnson), and The Astro*Carto*Graphy Book of Maps (with Jim Lewis). Her astrological work also involves leading groups on pilgrimages to the sacred sites in Greece to study mythology and astrology at the sites themselves.