

 [grah-vid´ik] occurring in pregnancy.


(gra-vid'ik), Relating to pregnancy or a pregnant woman.


(gră-vid'ik) Relating to pregnancy or a pregnant woman.

Patient discussion about gravidic

Q. how to get pregnant? A. have sex,lol.

Q. how to get pregnant? how to get pregnant?A. I am not sure I understand your question. Have you been having difficulties getting pregnant? Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant after a year or trying. If that is the situation, and you are not on birth control of any sort, you should see your gynecologist for further evaluation.

Q. can you take cough drops while your pregnant A. there are many kinds of cough syrups/drops/pills. and all of them contains different materials, some have codeine in it and that is not a good choice during pregnancy. but the best thing to do is ask the pharmacist that sells the medicine. their job is to know those things. you can also read the pamphlet that comes with the medicine.

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