Hua-Hsing Hui

Hua-Hsing Hui


(Revive China Society), the second most important bourgeois-revolutionary organization in China after the Hsing-chung Hui. It was founded by Huang Hsing and others in early 1904 in the city of Changsha, Hunan Province, for the purpose of overthrowing the Manchu Ch’ing dynasty. The Hua-hsing Hui program said nothing about China’s future form of government. In preparing for the uprising, which was scheduled to start in Changsha on Nov. 16, 1904, the Hua-hsing Hui relied mainly on the secret peasant societies (hui-tang). Huang Hsing obtained a promise of support for the uprising from the leaders of the K’o-hsiu-pu-hsi-so (Study Group of Applied Sciences), a revolutionary organization in the neighboring province of Hupeh. The Hunan governor, however, learned of the planned uprising, and members of the Hua-hsing Hui were arrested by his order on Oct. 23, 1904. Huang Hsing fled to Japan. The Hua-hsing Hui ceased to exist, in effect, in 1905, when many of its members joined the T’ung-meng Hui.


Belov, E. A. Uchanskoe vosstanie v Kitae (1911 g.). Moscow, 1971. Pages 65–68.