Ibn Jubayr, Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Jubayr Al-Qinani
Ibn Jubayr, Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Jubayr Al-Qinani
Born 1145 in Valencia; died Nov. 29, 1217, in Alexandria. Hispano-Arab traveler and writer.
Ibn Jubayr served in the court of the vicegerent of the Almohads in Granada. He made three journeys to the Orient (1183–85, 1189–91, and 1204). Travels of a Qinanite, the travel diary of the first journey (1183–85), is a valuable source on the history of Egypt, Arabia, Iraq, Syria, and Sicily and on the history of the material culture of these countries. Ibn Jubayr’s poems are also known, particularly the qasida dedicated to Salah al-Din (Saladin).
The Travels of Ibn Jubayr. Edited by W. Wright. Second edition revised by M. J. Goeje. Leiden-London, 1907. (Gibb Memorial Series.)Voyages, parts 1–4. Translated and annotated by M. Gaudefroy Demombynes. Paris, 1949–65.
Krachkovskii, I. lu. Izbr. soch., vol. 4. Mo scow-Leningrad, 1957. Pages 304–07.Zaiyada, M. Rihlyat ibn Jubayr va ibn Battuta (Travels of ibn Jubayr and ibn Batuta). Cairo, 1939.