释义 |
gray·an·o·tox·in G0243650 (grā′ăn′ə-tŏk′sĭn)n. A neurotoxin found in the nectar of certain rhododendrons and related plants, such as some laurels of the genus Kalmia, and in unpasteurized honey produced from such nectar, and causing temporary effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and irregular heartbeat if ingested. [New Latin (Leucothoē) grayāna, species name (after Asa Gray) + toxin.]grayanotoxinenUK
grayanotoxin (grā-yan'ō-toks-in), A toxin produced by rhododendrons. Synonym(s): rhodotoxingrayanotoxin (grā′ăn′ə-tŏk′sĭn)n. A neurotoxin found in the nectar of certain rhododendrons and related plants, such as some laurels of the genus Kalmia, and in unpasteurized honey produced from such nectar, and causing temporary effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and irregular heartbeat if ingested.grayanotoxin (grā″ăn′ŭ-tŏk′sĭn) [Fr. NL grayana, species name + ″. ] A diterpene cyclic hydrocarbon found in honey produced by bees that feed on rhododendrons. Consumption of tainted honey or rhododendrons results in nausea, vomiting, and numbness and tingling around the mouth and in the arms and legs. Weakness, loss of coordination, and heart rhythm disturbances rarely occur, and only after massive ingestion. The poisoning typically resolves on its own within 24 hr. |